The J. Derek McNeil Scholars Project
The J. Derek McNeil Scholars Project exists to provide doctoral students of color in professional mental health programs with a two-year system of mentoring and support to facilitate the development of a robust pipeline of faculty and graduate students of color to enhance CAPS with their scholarship and expertise and to contribute to a more diverse and equitable representation of professionals in the mental health field.
Provide doctoral students of color in professional mental health programs with formal networking, mentoring, and professional development within and between member institutions focusing on the completion of academic requirements and their entrance into professional roles.
Promote opportunities for doctoral students of color in professional mental health programs to advance their academic and professional careers through attending the CAPS conference and presenting original scholarship including research, clinical case studies, and theoretical work.
Connect student leaders of color with faculty, staff, peers and scholar alumni within and between member institutions to develop an ongoing network of support for their long term academic and professional goals. Our mission is to connect mentors from culturally diverse backgrounds and experiences who have successfully navigated racial barriers in professional counseling and psychology to come alongside students of color who are currently experiencing similar challenges.
Scholar Expectations:
- Attend the annual CAPS conference for both years as a scholar
- Present with mentor or present original research at a CAPS International Conference
- Maintain open and timely communication with their mentor
- Prepare to serve as a mentor for future J. Derek McNeil Scholars
Institution Expectations:
- Nominate potential J. Derek McNeil Scholars
- Assist with recruiting qualified faculty mentors
- Provide full financial support for scholars to attend the annual CAPS conference for each year of the scholars program
- Promote opportunities for professional development or leadership roles in the department and college/university level

Mentoring Guide
Effective mentoring begins, as all good things do, in a warm and caring relationship. Research has shown that mentees and mentors benefit from a collaborative and interactive experience together.
A healthy, constructive working relationship between you and your mentee is a vital support to the academic success of your student. This guide offers tips to help you think through how you will approach your role as mentor, including information about elements of mentoring relationships and stages of development that have been identified by mentorship researchers. We’ve also created a parallel guide for mentees. Mentorship is a two-way street.
The Mentoring Guide includes: